What is Srečko Molk “Wooden Jewelry”

Srečko Molk

The beauty of wood and the limitless possibilities it offers but are hidden within have already amazed me in my childhood when I visited my relative’s carving studio for the first time. From that moment on I felt that I want to dedicate myself to this kind of art. However, the most important moment for me was when I realized that the marvelous jewelry, rings, bracelets, earrings, wooden glasses and brooches are also hidden in wood and that they should be set free. I seek inspiration in the years and various colors of wood. Disfigurements, such as gnarls or cracks, inspire me even more.

Jewelry that bears my name is unique and hand-made. Such jewelry is made of autochthon and tropical wood species. I preserve their natural coloration with lacquer and various natural oils.

Lepota lesa in brezmejne možnosti, ki se skrivajo v njem, so me prevzele že kot otroka, ko sem prvič obiskal rezbarski atelje svojega sorodnika. Že takrat sem začutil, da se želim tej umetnosti posvetiti tudi sam. Spoznanje, da se v lesu skriva tudi prečudovit nakit, prstani, zapestnice, uhani, lesena očala, broške, ki jih je treba le osvoboditi, je bilo zame prelomnega pomena. Navdih iščem v njegovih letnicah in najrazličnejših barvah, napake, kot so grče in razpoke, pa me še dodatno navdušujejo.

Nakit, ki nosi moje ime, je unikaten in ročno izdelan, zanj izbiram tako avtohtone kot tropske vrste lesa. Njihovo naravno obarvanost ohranjam s pomočjo laka in različnih naravnih olj.

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What is Srečko Molk “Wooden Jewelry”

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What is Srečko Molk “Wooden Jewelry”
